The inner court

Buildings from different eras and of different uses overlook it. The wing facing north by the entrance side and the opposite one facing south show traces of the most ancient interventions, some are residential type of intervention, and they can be dated to the first Swabian phase or to the subsequent short Angevin phase. On the external elevation of the same southern wing, facing the lower city, an ogival portal partially walled up suggests a fourteenth-century date.


The east wing, facing the walled city, has been subjected to the most radical transformations, the most important ones are dated to first half of the 16th century, and they are due to the need to place le heavy artillery, to complement those stationed on the Spanish wall. The western wing shows the three most important elements: the Norman Tower, the Domus, the fifteenth-century Aragonese palace. 


Terranova C.P. La città murata Dalla visita al "memorabile viaggio.", in Milazzo Nostra n. 28-29 - Marzo - Luglio 2011 p. 25