Farm of C.da Ciantro

The use of the “rural” type housing complex, dating back to late age – Hellenistic, now valued within a municipal area, is the result of a synergistic relationship between Soprintendenza for Cultural and Environmental Assets of Messina, that wanted the conservation of ancient structures, Contractor of the construction works in the area, which collaborated for the economic part, Municipal Administration, which allowed the new placement of the structures in the public use area (Playground).

The demanding work of moving and reassembling the wall structures into the current destination, however close to the original one, has led to the resolution of several problems, technical and conservative in nature, which were finally completed in 2004 thanks to European funding.

Adequately protected by a cover in galvanized tubular and polycarbonate, widely documented by an educational apparatus – illustrative, the preserved structures, part of a more extensive planimetric articulation, offer a significant example of permanent housing installation, single-family type, whose establishment dates back to the end of the IV sec. BC and its full use in the III/ II sec. BC, as evidenced by the crono-studyThe type of materials in phase with employment levels.

Four rooms, communicating two by two, sealed by the collapse of the risers, built with stones, mixed with cobblestones and brick, laid dry. Two of the rooms, with a large quadrangular plan, had to be provided with a roof with tiles, two were probably “open”. The archaeological evidence has also documented the existence, on the levels of abandonment and destruction of the late-Hellenistic building, a phase of frequentation between late Antiquity and Byzantine age suggested by a series of dolia, Perhaps in phase with a plan of use today relatively superficial, of which there is no trace (IV-V sec. d.C.); as well as the use, for funerary purposes in Byzantine age of a stretch of the built area, with poor burials, two of adult individual in pit terragna, With and without protection, one of infant, in commercial amphora.

Tigano G., Coppolino P., “Milazzo. L’Antiquarium e altre emergenze archeologiche nell’area urbana. Breve guida.”, Palermo 2017


Farm of C.da Ciantro
Via Ciantro 66, Milazzo (ME)